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13 Feb 2012

Considerate or creepy? It can be hard to tell, sometimes! My brother Josh asked me to be his "empathy sherpa" and help him navigate that blurry grey line between sweet and skeezy (or maybe that's a different project?), so I built Considerating for him while warming up for Recurse Center.

Considerating is a simple concept. Each consideration comes with a slider (or dropdown, on mobile browsers) that lets you vote - where on the range between considerate and creepy does this idea fall? You can sign in with Google oauth to submit new considerations of your own. After each vote, the graph is recalculated and redrawn to accurately reflect the updated results.

I did all the coding, and Josh and I collaborated on the design and UI. It was really fun to finally work on a project like this with him! I mean, this is my little brother, the kid who once tried to evict me from my bedroom back when we were young by taping a sign to my door while I was out signed by the "MGMT" - and the person who can most consistently answer correctly when I call him out of the blue to ask, "Hey, what's that word I'm forgetting?"

My favorite part of this project was the little bit of javascript that makes those whoopety whoopety graphs work out. The code is all here, but this is the particularly fun bit:

function draw(points) {
  var canvas = document.getElementById('graph<%= @consideration.id %>');  
  var highest = Math.max.apply(Math, points);
  if (canvas.getContext){  
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');  
    ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; 
    ctx.lineJoin = "round";
    ctx.lineWidth = 2;
    ctx.bezierCurveTo(20, 115, 
        20, 115-(points[0]/highest)*100, 
        40, 115-(points[0]/highest)*100);
    for (i=1; i<10; i++) {
      ctx.bezierCurveTo(20+(i*40), 115-(points[i-1]/highest)*100, 
          20+(i*40), 115-(points[i]/highest)*100, 
          40+(i*40), 115-(points[i]/highest)*100);
    ctx.bezierCurveTo(420, 115-(points[9]/highest)*100, 
        420, 115, 
        440, 115);

Imagine the graph as a set of 10 bars. The drawing function takes an array of 10 values, and creates those smooth curves between points set at the intersection of each bar (x-axis) and the number of votes that value has received, scaled appropriately (y-axis).

I'd played with Adobe Illustrator before, and had some sense of how bezier curves work. But it was a lot of fun to have to think through the math that would get me what I wanted from scratch, without being able to rely on click-and-drag visuals. I have a much more solid understanding of what bezier curve control points actually mean now, which I'm really happy about.

I still don't know if I can get away with chasing after strangers' toddlers, though. C'mon, internet, help me figure it out!