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19 Aug 2011
Olympia, WA

We stopped by Olympia to visit a few friends on our way up from Portland to Seattle. They had galloping chickens, and friendly goats.

Goat beard!

They were very playful.

And eager for treats!

Goat treats.

A little too eager, perhaps.

I find it hard to get bored of eager goat photos.

My friend Erica in Colorado just told me where the phrase "got my goat" comes from. Apparently racing horses often had (or have?) goat companions to keep them calm, so years ago competitors would steal other racer's goats so that their horses would be too upset to race to the best of their ability. Thereby getting their goat!

They didn't seem to mind everyone grabbing their horns to move their heads out of the way as needed. Sadly, I forgot to try to wrestle with one of them while I was there.

Are goats legal in NYC? I need to look into this! I want a pygmy goat in the back yard. I'd put it on a leash and take it for walkies in the dog run in the park. It would be awesome!

Thanks, guys! It was great to see you and your extended charming companions!