16 May 2010
Three necklaces made with paper

"Princes Perhaps Charming, But Not So Successful"
<font size=-3>(paper, glue, yarn)</font>
<font size=-1>”Like prayers tucked into a barbed wire Wailing Wall, or the tiny, short, sad stories of princes who struggled through the thorns to reach Sleeping Beauty.”</font>

"When I see three oranges, I juggle; when I see two towers, I walk."
<font size=-3>(ivory linen card stock, sepia ink, chain)</font>
<font size=-1>Text from Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente. I gave this piece to Patti Digh of 37 Days when she came to New York.</font>

"When I see three oranges, I juggle; when I see two towers, I walk."
<font size=-3>(ivory linen card stock, sepia ink, chain)</font>
<font size=-1>Text by Philippe Petit, from when he explained why he walked that tightrope between the Twin Towers.</font>